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Division 4 Publications

CIE 243:2021 (CN) 道路照明和车辆照明中的不 舒适眩光
CIE 243:2021(ES) Deslumbramiento molesto en la iluminación de carreteras y vehículos
CIE 243:2021 Discomfort Glare in Road Lighting and Vehicle Lighting
CIE S 017/E:2020 ILV: International Lighting Vocabulary, 2nd Edition
CIE 236:2019 Lighting for Pedestrians: A Summary of Empirical Data
CIE 234:2019 (CN) 城市照明总体规划指南
CIE 234:2019 (ES) Guía para un plan director de iluminación urbana
CIE 234:2019 A Guide to Urban Lighting Masterplanning
CIE 083:2019 Guide for the Lighting of Sports Events for Colour Television and Film Systems, 3rd Edition
ISO/CIE 8995-3:2018(E) Lighting of Work Places – Part 3: Lighting Requirements for Safety and Security of Outdoor Work Places
ISO/CIE TS 22012:2019(E) Light and Lighting — Maintenance Factor Determination — Way of Working
CIE 140:2019 Road Lighting Calculations, 2nd Edition
CIE 150:2017 Guide on the Limitation of the Effects of Obtrusive Light from Outdoor Lighting Installations, 2nd Edition
CIE TN 007:2017 Interim Recommendation for Practical Application of the CIE System for Mesopic Photometry in Outdoor Lighting
CIE 206:2014 The Effect of Spectral Power Distribution on Lighting for Urban and Pedestrian Areas
CIE 194:2011 On Site Measurement of the Photometric Properties of Road and Tunnel Lighting
CIE S 021/E:2011 Vehicle Headlighting Systems Photometric Performance - Method of Assessment
CIE 193:2010 Emergency Lighting in Road Tunnels
CIE 115:2010 Lighting of roads for motor and pedestrian traffic, 2nd Edition
CIE 189:2010 Calculation of tunnel lighting quality criteria
CIE 188:2010 Performance assessment method for vehicle headlighting systems
CIE 183:2008 Definition of the cut-off of vehicle headlights
CIE 180:2007 Road transport lighting for developing countries
ISO 30061:2007(E)/CIE S 020/E:2007 Emergency Lighting
CIE 169:2005 Practical design guidelines for the lighting of sport events for colour
CIE S 015/E:2005 Lighting of outdoor work places
CIE 088:2004 Guide for the lighting of road tunnels and underpasses, 2nd ed.
CIE 154:2003 The maintenance of outdoor lighting systems
CIE x023:2002 Proceedings of two CIE Workshops on Photometric Measurements Systems for Road Lighting Installations, Liège, Belgium, 1994; Poitiers, France, 1996
CIE 144:2001 Road surface and road marking reflection characteristics
CIE 143:2001 International recommendations for colour vision requirements for transport
CIE x020:2001 Proceedings of the CIE Symposium "Uncertainty evaluation - Methods for analysis of uncertainties in optical radiation measurement", 23-24 January 2001, Vienna, Austria
CIE x019-2001 Proceedings of three CIE Workshop on Criteria for Road Lighting, Durban, South Africa, 1997; Bath, United Kingdom, 1998; Warsaw, Poland 1999
CIE S 004/D:2001 Farben von Signallichtern
CIE S 004/F:2001 Couleurs des signaux lumineux
CIE S 004/E:2001 Colours of light signals
CIE 136-2000 Guide to the lighting of urban areas
CIE 132-1999 Design methods for lighting of roads + Disk
ISO 16508:1999(E)/CIE S 006.1/E-1998 Road traffic lights - Photometric properties of 200 mm roundel signals
ISO 16508:1999(F)/CIE S 006/F-1998 Feux de circulation - Caractéristiques photométriques des feux de signalisation avec un diamètre de 200 mm
CIE 129-1998 Guide for lighting exterior work areas
CIE 128-1998 Guide to the lighting for open-cast mines
CIE 126-1997 Guidelines for minimizing sky glow
CIE 112-1994 Glare evaluation system for use within outdoor sport and area lighting
CIE x008-1994 Proceedings of a Symposium of CIE TC 4-21 "Urban sky glow, a worry for astronomy", 3 April 1993, Edinburgh, Scotland
CIE 094-1993 Guide for floodlighting
CIE 093-1992 Road lighting as an accident countermeasure
CIE 072-1987 Guide to the properties and uses of retroreflectors at night
CIE 067-1986 Guide for the photometric specification and measurement of sports lighting installations
CIE 066-1984 Road surfaces and lighting (joint technical report CIE/PIARC)
CIE 062-1984 Lighting for swimming pools
CIE 061-1984 Tunnel entrance lighting: A survey of fundamentals for determining the luminance in the threshold zone
CIE 058-1983 Lighting for sports halls
CIE 057-1983 Lighting for football
CIE 039.2-1983 Recommendations for surface colours for visual signalling, 2nd ed.
CIE 001-1980 Guidelines for minimizing urban sky glow near astronomical observatories (Joint publication IAU/CIE)
CIE 047-1979 Road lighting for wet conditions
CIE 045-1979 Lighting for ice sports
CIE 042-1978 Lighting for tennis
CIE 034-1977 Road lighting lantern and installation data: photometrics, classification and performance
CIE 033-1977 Depreciation of installations and their maintenance
CIE 032-1977 Lighting in situations requiring special treatment
CIE 031-1976 Glare and uniformity in road lighting installations