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Photometry of road illumination devices, light-signalling devices and retroreflective devices for road vehicles

CIE S 027:2024
Division 2

This International Standard provides requirements to perform reproducible photometric and colorimetric measurements on road illumination devices, light-signalling devices and retroreflective devices to be used in road vehicles. It also provides advice for reporting the data and lists major equipment, instrumentation and procedures to record properties of approved lighting devices according to requirements specified in corresponding UN regulations.

The availability of reliable and accurate photometric data for type approval of road illumination devices, light-signalling devices and retroreflective devices is a basic requirement for the comparability between industry and test facilities as well as between technical services and approval authorities. By obtaining these data through measurements in specific normalized measuring conditions, the consistency of the data should be ensured between different laboratories within the limits of the declared measurement uncertainty.

This International Standard aims in particular to cover measurement methods for testing the compliance of approved road illumination devices, light-signalling devices and retroreflective devices with the photometric and colorimetric requirements as stated within different UN regulations for a variety of lighting applications in road vehicles. For each photometric and colorimetric property, the possible data acquisition process(es) with their uncertainties are considered individually.

The work has been performed in close contact with GTB (Groupe de Travaille Bruxelles 1952) Working Group Photometry, of which most of its members are representatives of technical services accredited for approval testing of light and light signalling devices.

It has been developed based on CIE S 025:2015 and partially incorporates the former Photometry Laboratory Accuracy Guidelines, Edition 3, 2005, as stated in GTB document CE-3874.

This International Standard is written in English. It consists of 86 pages with 38 figures and 14 tables, and it is readily available from the CIE Webshop or from the National Committees of the CIE. The price of this publication is EUR 192,- (Members of the National Committees of the CIE receive a 66,7 % discount on this price).