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Emergency Lighting

ISO 30061:2007(E)/CIE S 020/E:2007
Division 4

This Standard specifies the luminous requirements for emergency lighting systems installed in premises or locations where such systems are required. It is principally applicable to locations where the public or workers have access. The primary objective of emergency lighting is the provision of visual conditions that can alleviate panic and facilitate safer evacuation of buildings' occupants during the failure of normal power supply/lighting, in clear (non-smoke) and smoke filled conditions. The emergency lighting scheme design should be based on worst conditions (e.g. minimum light output, maximum glare limits) of the luminaires during operating life. The requirements given in this standard are a minimum for design purposes and are calculated for the full rated duration period and end of design life of the equipment. A special chapter for smoke is included. Safety signs may also fulfil further functions within maintained operation.

This Standard has been approved by CIE and ISO.