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National Committees

The CIE has several types of membership. At the highest level are the National Committees. The affairs of the CIE are vested in National Committees which have the responsibility for decisions on all matters relating to the organization. The composition of the National Committees varies from country to country, but each is required to represent and have in its country the cooperation of all organizations having an interest in light and lighting. So each country can have only one National Committee.

A country seeking to join the Commission shall form, with the co-operation of organizations within that country having a special interest in light and lighting, one National Committee. This National Committee must submit evidence that it meets all necessary requirements, and shall send its application to the Central Bureau. Approval of the application is decided by the National Committees.

Associate National Committees

Countries that have established a new National Committee, or developing countries which have a National Committee already, may join the CIE on an intitial as an Associate National Committee. Associate National Committee Membership isfor a four year period, after which time it is expected that an application shall be made for establishing a  full National Committee.

Affiliate Members

The Affiliate Membership Program is open to organizations in a country without a National Committee or Associate National Committee, usually the national metrology institute or national standards body of a country. The program shall enable developing and newly industrializing countries to participate in the work of the CIE and to benefit fully from its International Standards and its scientific expertise.

Associate Members can participate in the technical work of the CIEwithout voting right. For further details please download the Letter of Invitation .

Supportive Members

In addition to the various national memebrships CIE also receievs support from its Supportive Members. Supportive Membership is open to international or regional organizations (governmental, educational, companies) interested in the activities of the Commission.

There are three different categories of Supportive Membership: Gold, Silver and Basic each with different levels of entitlement. More information on can be found within the Supportive Member Application Form.