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CIE Organizational Documents
CIE Gold Pin Awardees
CEN - European Committee for Standardization
CIPM - International Committee of Weights and Measures
EURAMET - European Association of National Metrology Institutes
GLA - Global Lighting Organization
IALD - International Association of Lighting Designers
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
ISO - International Standardization Organization
LUCI - Lighting Urban Community International
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Division 2: Physical Measurement of Light and Radiation
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Division 3: Interior Environment and Lighting Design
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Division 4: Transportation and Exterior Applications
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Division 6: Photobiology and Photochemistry
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Division 8: Image Technology
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Research Strategy 2023-2027
News and Events
CIE Events
CIE NC Events
Past Events
Conference and Symposia Proceedings
Conference and Symposia Proceedings
Conference and Symposia Proceedings
CIE x050:2023 Proceedings of the 30th Session of the CIE, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 15 - 23, 2023
CIE x049:2022 Proceedings of the CIE symposium on the advances in measurement of temporal light modulation, October 11, 2022, Athens, Greece
CIE x048:2021 Proceedings of the Conference CIE 2021, September 27–29, 2021, hosted by the CIE National Committee (NC) Malaysia online
CIE x047:2020 Collection of papers accepted for the 5th CIE Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, April 21–22, 2020, Hong Kong, CN
CIE x046:2019 Proceedings of the 29th Session of the CIE
CIE x045:2018 Proceedings of CIE 2018 ”Topical Conference on Smart Lighting” 26 – 27 April 2018, Taipei, Chinese Taipei
CIE x044:2017 Proceedings of the Conference at the CIE Midterm Meeting 2017 23 – 25 October 2017, Jeju, Republic of Korea
CIE x043:2016 Proceedings of the 4th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, 6 - 7 September, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic
CIE x042:2016 Proceedings of CIE 2016 Lighting Quality & Energy Efficiency, March 2016, Melbourne, Australia
CIE x041:2016 Proceedings of CIE Expert Symposium on the CIE S 025 LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules Test Standard, November 2015, Braunschweig, Germany
CIE 216:2015 Proceedings of the 28th Session of the CIE, 28 June – 4 July 2015, Manchester, United Kingdom
CIE x040:2014 Proceedings of CIE Expert Symposium on Measurement Uncertainties in Photometry and Radiometry for Industry, September 2014, Vienna, Austria
CIE x039:2014 Proceedings of CIE 2014 Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency, April 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
CIE x038:2013 (incl. Addendum) Proceedings of the CIE Centenary Conference "Towards a New Century of Light", 15-16 April 2013, Paris, France
CIE x037:2012 Proceedings of CIE 2012 Lighting Quality & Energy Efficiency, September 2012, Hangzhou, China
CIE 197:2011 Proceedings of the 27th Session of the CIE, 9-16 July 2011, Sun City, South Africa
CIE x036:2010 Proceedings of the CIE Expert Symposium on Spectral and Imaging Methods for Photometry and Radiometry, 30-31 August 2010, Bern, Switzerland
CIE x035:2010 Proceedings of CIE 2010 Lighting Quality & Energy Efficiency, March 2010, Vienna, Austria
CIE x034:2010 Selected Papers of the Light and Lighting Conference with Special Emphasis on LEDs and Solid State Lighting, 27-29 May 2009, Budapest, Hungary
CIE x033:2008 Proceedings of the 2nd CIE Expert Symposium on "Advances in Photometry abd Colorimetry", 7-8 July 2008, Turin, Italy
CIE x032:2007 Proceedings of the CIE Expert Symposium on Visual Appearance, 19-20 October 2006, Paris, France
CIE 178:2007 Proceedings of the 26th Session of the CIE, 4-11 July 2007, Beijing, China
CIE x031:2006 Proceedings of the 2nd CIE Expert Symposium on Lighting and Health, 7-8 September 2006, Ottawa, Canada
CIE x030:2006 Proceedings of the ISCC/CIE Expert Symposium 2006 "75 Years of the CIE Standard Colorimetric Observer", 16-17 May 2006, Ottawa, Canada
CIE x029:2006 Proceedings of the 2nd CIE Expert Symposium on Uncertainty, 12-13 June 2006, Braunschweig, Germany
CIE x028:2005 Proceedings of the CIE Symposium 2005 "Vision and Lighting in Mesopic Conditions", 21 May 2005, Leon, Spain
CIE x026:2005 CIE Symposium 2004 "LEDs Light Sources: Physical Measurement and Visual and Photobiological Assessment", 7-8 June 2004, Tokyo, Japan
CIE x027:2004 CIE Symposium 2004 "Light and Health: non-visual effects", 30 September - 2 October 2004, Vienna, Austria
CIE x025:2003 Proceedings of the CIE Symposium 2002 on "Temporal & Spatial Aspects of Light and Colour Perception and Measurement", 22-23 August 2002, Veszprém, Hungary
CIE 152:2003 Proceedings of the 25th Session of the CIE in San Diego, 2003 + CD-ROM
CIE x024:2002 Proceedings of the ARUP/CIE Symposium on Visual Environment, April 24-25, 2002, London, United Kingdom
CIE x023:2002 Proceedings of two CIE Workshops on Photometric Measurements Systems for Road Lighting Installations, Liège, Belgium, 1994; Poitiers, France, 1996
CIE x022:2001 Proceedings of the 2nd CIE Expert Symposium on LED Measurement "Standard methods for specifying and measuring LED and LED cluster characteristics"
CIE x021:2001 Proceedings of the CIE Expert Symposium 2000 on "Extended Range Colour Spaces", 11 November 2000, Scottsdale, USA
CIE x020:2001 Proceedings of the CIE Symposium "Uncertainty evaluation - Methods for analysis of uncertainties in optical radiation measurement", 23-24 January 2001, Vienna, Austria
CIE x019-2001 Proceedings of three CIE Workshop on Criteria for Road Lighting, Durban, South Africa, 1997; Bath, United Kingdom, 1998; Warsaw, Poland 1999
CIE x017-2000 Special Volume 24th Session of the CIE - Warsaw, June 24-30, 1999 - Late Papers
CIE x018-1999 Proceedings of the CIE Symposium '99 "75 years of CIE photometry", 30 September - 2 October 1999, Budapest, Hungary
CIE 133-1999 Proceedings of the 24th Session of the CIE, 24-30 June 1999, Warsaw, Poland
CIE x016-1998 Measurements of Optical Radiation Hazards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
CIE x015-1998 Proceedings of the First CIE Symposium on Lighting Quality, 9-10 May 1998, Ottawa, Canada
CIE x014-1998 Proceedings of the CIE Expert Symposium '97 on Colour Standards for Imaging Technology, 21-22 November 1997, Scottsdale, USA
CIE x013-1997 Proceedings of the CIE LED Symposium '97 on Standard Methods for Specifying and Measuring LED Characteristics, 24-25 October 1997, Vienna, Austria
CIE x012-1997 Proceedings of the NPL - CIE UK Conference on "Visual Scales: Photometric and Colorimetric Aspects", 24-26 March 1997, Teddington, United Kingdom
CIE x011-1996 Special Volume 23rd Session of the CIE, New Delhi, November 1-8, 1995, Late Papers
CIE x010-1996 Proceedings of the CIE Expert Symposium '96 "Colour Standards for Image Technology", 25-27 March 1996, Vienna, Austria
CIE x009-1995 Proceedings of the CIE Expert Symposium '95 on "Advances in Photometry", 1-3 December 1994, Vienna, Austria
CIE 119-1995 CIE Proceedings, 23rd Session, New Delhi 1995, Vol. 1
CIE x008-1994 Proceedings of a Symposium of CIE TC 4-21 "Urban sky glow, a worry for astronomy", 3 April 1993, Edinburgh, Scotland
CIE x007-1993 Proceedings of the CIE Symposium on "Advanced Colorimetry", 8-10 June 1993, Vienna, Austria
CIE x005-1992 Proceedings of the CIE Seminar on Computer Programs for Light and Lighting, 5-9 October 1992, Vienna, Austria
CIE x006-1991 Japan CIE Session at PRAKASH '91, Papers presented by Japanese CIE Members in New Delhi, India, from October 7 to 13, 1991