The purpose of this TC is to define an international standard for the optical measurements of semiconductor light sources (in particular LED packages and LED arrays as defined in CIE S 017-SP1) to the extent to which they emit incoherent optical radiation. Semiconductor light sources in terms of this standard are individual inorganic light emitting diodes or combinations of multiple objects of the same type in different two- or three-dimensional structures, which are distinguished and identified herein as LED packages and LED arrays. This document will not deal with e.g. LED lamps and luminaires as they are already covered by CIE S 025 or other applications of higher integration levels.
The standard shall describe in particular the geometrical arrangements, the electrical, thermal and temporal operating conditions and the measurement of the values of photometric, colorimetric and spectroradiometric quantities. Moreover, measurement quantities and associated measurement procedures are defined for describing the specific properties of LEDs and to take into account the restricted measurement options available during their manufacture or binning procedure.
The document does not cover semiconductor emitters for coherent optical radiation (lasers), nor limit values for evaluating radiation safety.
The document does not cover measurements of bare LED dice (chip or wafer probing).