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Getting Involved in Technical Work

There are many ways to become involved in the work of the CIE, by participation in a Technical Committee (TC) or Research Forum (RF), or by getting involved in Division level activites. 

One of the best ways to introduce yourself to the technical work of the CIE is to come to one of our events, particularly the Quadrennial Sessions and Midterm Meetings, and to take part in the meetings personally. It’s a great way to meet the people who are developing our publications and find out which committees you may be able to contribute to!

If you are interested in contributing to CIE work or would like information from the Divisions then the CIE Brochure is a good starting point.

Below are links to some forms to participate is specific CIE activites that you can fill in and send to us at CIE Central Bureau for our follow-up.
Please note that these are downloadable forms and might not open up in your web browser.

  • Technical Committee and Research Forum Membership Application Form (MAF) and the Copyright Agreement Form (CAF)
     If you have expertise to contribute to a specific TC or RF,  then apply to join by completing the MAF and the CAF (only required for TC work) and send them to CIE Central Bureau, from where they will be forwarded to the TC Chair for consideration.
  • Division Associate Application Form (DA)
    Any expert who does not already have an official role in a Division may apply to become a DA.
    A DA has no voting rights in the work of a Division but has access to Division meetings and the Collaboration Platform workspace (the main CIE communication platform) for DAs.
    To apply to become a DA simply fill out the downlaodable CIE Division Associate Application Form and send it to CIE Central Bureau or the Google docs version of this form.
  • CIE Newsletter
    In addition to checking out the CIE Website the quarterly CIE Newsletter is a great place to get the most recent CIE news.
  • CIE National Committees
    National Committees (NCs), each representing the lighting community in their countries, these form the heart of the CIE.  To find your NC and to learn how to become involved there, checkout the list of all NCs to find your local contact.  You are still welcome to get involved as a DA or a member of a TC even if your country does not have an NC.