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Interim Recommendation for Practical Application of the CIE System for Mesopic Photometry in Outdoor Lighting

CIE TN 007:2017
Division 1
Division 2
Division 4

This Technical Note defines the method for calculating the adaptation coefficient to be used in conjunction with the equations of the mesopic photometry system defined in CIE 191:2010, which describes the recommended system for mesopic photometry and is based on visual performance. The document is intended to be applicable to outdoor lighting for drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians. It is not applicable to other outdoor lighting, such as aviation or maritime lighting. This Technical Note provides the recommended method for calculating the spectral luminous efficiency function for mesopic vision and the associated mesopic quantities. The publication is written in English, consists of 14 pages and is freely downloadable from the CIE website here.

The following members of JTC 1 "Implementation of CIE 191:2010 Mesopic Photometry in Outdoor Lighting" took part in the preparation of this Technical Note. The committee comes under Division 1 "Vision and Colour", Division 2 "Physical Measurement of Light and Radiation", Division 4 "Lighting and Signalling for Transport", and Division 5 "Exterior Lighting and Other Applications".


  • Mucklejohn, S.A. (Chair)    United Kingdom
  • Goodman, T.M.    United Kingdom
  • Uchida, T.    Japan


  • Donners, M.    Netherlands