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Recording of the CIE NC Türkiye Special Webinar is now available

We are happy to announce that the recording of the recent CIE NC Türkiye special webinar entitled "The CIE looking back, looking ahead: Celebrating 100 years of V(Lambda) and previewing new developments", presented by CIE President, Dr. Jennifer Veitch, is now available to watch on ATMK YouTube channel.

Whether you missed the live session or want to revisit the talk, you can now access the full recording at your convenience.


Presentation Abstract: The International Commission on Illumination (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, CIE) is the global umbrella organization for lighting science and standards in all fields related to light, lighting, and optical radiation. This year we celebrate the centenary of the spectral luminous efficiency function V(λ), which underpins the system of the physical measurement of light and which has a special place in the historical development of the ClE itself. This presentation will give a brief overview of this history and then turn to the exciting future ahead. At its 30th Session in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in September 2023, the ClE took on a new organizational structure, launched a new Research Strategy, and began to develop new initiatives to support lighting education and students. We are working on plans to support our volunteers, and to increase our use of digitization in publications. The presentation will update all of these areas, and end with a call for volunteers to assist in the work of the ClE.