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Division 4 Annual Meeting 2018

Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin Germany

The Division 4 Annual Meeting 2018 will be held before the CIE Workshop on a New Vision of Visibility for Roadway Lighting, at the Technical University of Berlin.

The meeting is for official Division 4 Country Members and Associates. Please contact the Division 4 Director should you wish to participate as an observer 
Likewise the Technical Committee meetings held in conjunction with the Division meeting are for TC members, should you wish to participate as an observer please contact the relevant TC Chair.

  • Venue:
    Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin (DE)
    Main building, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
    Room: H 2036 (follow the signs in the main foyer to the 2nd floor)

Please use the links below for additional information:

  1. Payments must be made by credit card using the CIE PayPal account.
  2. No on-site registration will be available for these meetings.
  3. Meetings of TC4-11 and TC4-12 are social events, costs for these meetings will be born solely by participants. Please contact the TC Chairs directly to register and for further information.
    TC4-11, High Level Matters, Nigel Parry
    TC4-12, Night-time Lighting of Beer Gardens