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CIE NC Russia - International Scientific and Technical Greenhouses Lighting Conference


Registration for this event is now open to participants of the International Scientific and Technical Greenhouses Lighting Conference, September 9-10, 2019 in Moscow, Russia.

This event is organized by the Russian National Committee of CIE, VNISI  (Russian Lighting Research Institute named after S.I. Vavilov). The event has the support of CIE, IEC, Scientific and Technical Council of the Russian Lighting Industry NTS "Svetotechnika", Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy and Interlight Russia / Intelligent building Russia.

The topic of phyto irradiators and their application in protected ground horticulture is of great current interest and one of the most vital ones nowadays not only in Russia, but also worldwide.

The program of the conference includes presentations of the leading Russian and international experts in the field of greenhouses lighting, such as lighting engineers and biologists. The experts represent international scientific organizations, as well as the producers from the lighting engineering and crop-growing industry. The organizer invites a variety of professionals to take part in the conference, which extends to specialists in the areas of lighting engineering and horticulture, members of scientific, educational and social associations dealing with problems of irradiation equipment for protected grounds, and those employed in the of agricultural and horticultural lighting  sectors

Participation in the Conference is free of charge, online registration is open, and abstracts can be submitted till May 15, 2019.

Topics considered for conference include:

  • Application of LED irradiators in greenhouses
  • Standards, demands and methods of trials in greenhouses lighting
  • Terms and definitions in greenhouses lighting
  • Lighting engineering technologies in city and vertical farms
  • Energy consumption and economic efficiency of greenhouses lighting
  • Theoretical basis appliance of irradiator equipment

Register for participation and get more information at