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Matters relating to temporal light modulation

RF Number RF-02

This research forum follows the CIE Stakeholder Workshop for Temporal Light Modulation Standards for Lighting Systems and is one of the tasks specified in the road map in TN 008:2017. The RF will provide a discussion and information- and data-sharing platform for all aspects of temporal light modulation of lighting systems. These can include discussions relating to the measurement of TLM waveforms (informal discussions in support of TC 2-89), visual performance, or health effects of TLM, prediction of these effects from metrics that may be proposed, and application-specific considerations related to lighting systems used in any setting. It is intended to use this platform to involve other stakeholders, bringing in all experts with a genuine interest in the topic so that CIE builds on its leadership in this topic area.

Note that the scope includes the involvement of all CIE Divisions.

To apply to participate in this RF please complete the CIE Technical Committee and Research Forum Membership Application Form, sending it to the CIECB for follow-up with the RF Convener.

Convener Name: Jennifer Veitch