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Proceedings of the "Young Lighting Scientists" has been published

In December 2023 Russian National Comittee of the Commission International Eleclaraige (CIE NC RU) published the Proceedings of the "Young Lighting Scientists" Contest in the frame of the Conference "Lighting Engineering Innovations"

September 21, 2023 at the International exhibition Interlight Russia | Intelligent building Russia in Moscow was held the final of the Contest "Young Lighting Scientists". This year the "geography" of the Contest has expanded even more, and the number of participants has increased: 47 papers from Russia, China, Turkey and Japan were accepted for the Contest.

All papers were divided into 3 sections - "Lighting Engineering", "Architecture and Lighting Design" and the section of Foreign papers. The winners of the two new sections "Architecture and Lighting Design" and Foreign language papers, who were chosen by the jury members by online voting, took part in the finals. But for the prizes in the section "Lighting Engineering" had to fight. The jury debates were heated, and their outcome was the awarding of two third, two second and one first prize.

The peer-reviewed papers are accepted for participation in the Contest have been published in the proceedings of the Conference (CIE NC RU Journal 2023).

More information can be found on the website.