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China NC of the CIE successfully organized a webinar on “the lighting environment, its metrology, and recommendations for healthful non-visual responses and integrative lighting”

Dr. Luc Schlangen | Photo © N T Schlangen 

On the afternoon of January 18th, 2024, the Dr. Luc Schlangen gave an online talk “The lighting environment, its metrology, and recommendations for healthful non-visual responses and integrative Lighting”. This webinar was organized by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the China Illuminating Engineering Society (CIES, China NC of the CIE), and co-organized by the China Illuminating Engineering Journal (CIEJ), Tongji University and Soochow University. More than 320 scholars, graduate students, R&D personnel and entrepreneurial representatives participated the webinar.

Dr. Luc Schlangen is a Senior Researcher of the Department Industrial Engineering & Innovation Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. He was the Director of CIE Division 6 “Photobiology and Photochemistry” from June 2019 to September 2023. Prior to this, he served as the chair of CIE S 026:2018 TC which established new metrology to quantify the non-visual (ipRGC-influenced) responses to light. In 2023, he was awarded the CIE Wyszecki Gold Award for his outstanding contributions in fundamental research.

The webinar was hosted by Professor Luoxi Hao from Tongji University (VP Education of CIE, VP of CIES, Director of Foreign Affairs Committee of CIES), and Associate Professor Junli Xu from Soochow University, and Dr. Yujie Wu (Assistant Prof.) from Tongji University worked on the Chinese-English translation.

Dr. Schlangen introduced the basic notions of healthy lighting, explained and discussed a standardized photometric method, provided recommendations for healthy indoor lighting, and the latest research results. The contents provide a guideline for the development of healthy lighting, and also provide a solid reference for lighting research and design applications in China. Meanwhile, the results have been first published on the journal of Frontiers in Neurology. Then, it was jointly translated by research teams of Tongji University, Soochow University, and Eindhoven University of Technology, as authorized by the authors, which published on the 6th issue of the CIEJ in 2023.

This talk also included a 30-minute Q&A session. Due to time constraint, a total of 7 researchers and professionals from Fudan University, Tongji University, Chongqing University, Hangzhou YD Illumination Co., Ltd., Soochow University, Hohai University, and South China Normal University, respectively, asked questions about the contents, and Dr. Luc answered each question in details.

In the end, Prof. Luoxi Hao commented and appreciated the talk from Dr. Schlangen. She said that his research in rhythmic lighting and metrology was of great significance to the development of the global health lighting field. The talk not only helped the audience to clarify the basic concepts in the frontier field, but also inspired future research work, and offered a valuable learning opportunity for professionals working in the health lighting industry. She emphasized that a lot of fundamental research on lighting need to be carried out in the future to discover the mystery of non-image forming effects of lighting on humans. The CIES will also organize additional lectures to popularize scientific knowledge, bring the latest academic achievements in the lighting field, and assist development of the lighting industry.