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Celebrating the IDL - NC Turkey webinar on light, health and circadian rhythm


May 16 is the day to celebrate the International Day of Light (IDL).

The CIE is proud to be a founding member of the steering committee of the IDL ( and part of the international community of organizations working in the wide range of topics involving light and optical radiation in general.
We are pleased to announce the free online webinar prepared and hosted by the CIE National Committee of Turkey (

This free  webinar will be held online on Zoom on May 16, 2022, 15:00 - 18:00 GMT+3:
Zoom ID 894 68872140
Passcode: 018302
The organizers of the webinar Sermin Onaygil (NC Turkey President), Banu Manav and Berker Yurtseven, look forward to welcoming you at the webinar and celebrating the IDL with you.