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9th International Lighting Design Workshop - ILDW

Tsagkarada (Mount Pelion), Greece

CIE NC Greece, the Hellenic Illumination Committee (HIC) is staging the 9th International Lighting Design Workshop - ILDW from the 26th - 30th September 2022 in Tsagkarada (Mount Pelion).

The ILDW under the headline "Rethink the Night!" aims at the conversion of particular landscapes of natural, urban and cultural quality into inviting nightscapes in the framework of respective training in the creative deployment of night-friendly lighting technologies and in the application of relevant lighting techniques.on of particular landscapes of natural, urban and cultural quality into inviting nightscapes in the framework of respective training in the creative deployment of night-friendly lighting technologies and in the application of relevant lighting techniques.

The workshop aims at providing participants with personal visual experience of natural nightlight as well as with opportunities of evaluating its sufficiency & at developing skills of devising darkness minded lighting design concepts and applying relevant Low Lighting Level technologies in a commensurate with the available nightlight manner.

You can read more on the workshop webpage