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Past News and Events
National Research Council, Ottawa
2019 Joint CIE NC Canada, CIE NC US with the Council for Optical Radiation Measurements (CORM)
The Canadian National Committee of the CIE is pleased to announce that it will host the biennial joint meeting with the CIE-USNC together with the Council for Optical Radiation Measurements (CORM) conference at the National Research Council of Canada in Ottawa. There are 2.5 days of technical sessions and and half-day of NRC laboratory tours, as well as the business meetings for the three organizations.
Everyone is encouraged to participate in what promises to be an interesting and informative meeting spanning all aspects of light and lighting.
Students and emerging professionals are especially encouraged to submit poster presentations to be considered for the Best Poster award.
Further details are now available in the Call for Papers and at www.cnc-cie.ca. The abstract submission deadline is August 9, 2019.
CIE and ISO New Partnership Agreement Signed
A new partnership agreement between the CIE and the ISO was signed onThursday Ocotber 10, 2019 at an event hosted by the Austrian Standards Institute (ASI).
Second Junior Balkan Conference on Lighting "BalkanLightJunior 2019" and accompanying event "Lighting2019" - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
The National Committe for Lighting in Bulgaria (NCLB) is proud to announce their upcoming event ...
Coming up in September 2019, NC Bulgaria are holding the Second Junior Balkan Conference on Lighting "BalkanLightJunior2019" in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. There will also be an accompanying event, the Fourth Bulgarian National Conference for Young Scientists with International Participation "Lighting2019".
This is an excellent opportunity for experts and those interested in the field of light and lighting to come together and enjoy this opportunity to network and share their knowledge. Everyone is welcome to attend and NC Bulgaria look forward to welcoming you in Plovdiv, the European Capital of Culture 2019!
For more information visit https://blj2019.nko.bg.
CIE NC Russia - International Scientific and Technical Greenhouses Lighting Conference
Organized by CIE NC Russia, VNISI, this specialist two day conference includes both plenary and breakout session. Papers will be given by both invited speakers and reports selected by the Expert Committee of the conference.
Registration for this event is now open to participants of the International Scientific and Technical Greenhouses Lighting Conference, September 9-10, 2019 in Moscow, Russia.
More information, including registation, can be found at the event website: http://hlconf2019.vnisi.ru/en.php
CIE Symposium in Hong Kong April 2020 - Abstract Submission System OPEN
Many of you interested in contributing to this symposium might be wondering, and have concern, about the current situation in Hong Kong and how this might impact upon not only the symposium but importantly the travel arrangements and security of attendees at the symposium.
We can advise that the situation is being closely monitored, and contingencies are being arranged to ensure that the symposium will take place in April next year.
Meanwhile the abstract submission system for the symposium is open, the deadline for submission is October 23, 2019 - we look forward to receiving your contribution.
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Illuminating Engineering Society - Annual Conference
The Illuminating Engineering Society’s Annual Conference provides a range of educational programming—including workshops, seminars, immersive experiences, tours, networking, and paper and poster presentations—on the art, design, science, and research of lighting relevant to lighting professionals, educators, and related design disciplines. As always, professional education is paramount, with a broad selection of CEU credits available through participation at the conference.29th Session of the CIE - Individual Conference Papers Available
All individual paper prepared and submitted for the conference of the 29th Session of the CIE, Washington DC, June 17 - 19, 2019, are avaialbe on the CIE website.
The Proceedings of the 29th Session will also be made avaialbe for purchase from the CIE Webshop, the preoceedings containing the complete set of papers in one publication.