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About the CIE

Advancing knowledge and providing standardization to improve the lighted environment


The International Commission on Illumination - also known as the CIE from its French title, the Commission Internationale de l´Eclairage - is devoted to worldwide cooperation and the exchange of information on all matters relating to the science and art of light and lighting, colour and vision, photobiology and image technology.

With strong technical, scientific and cultural foundations, the CIE is an independent, non-profit organization that serves member countries on a voluntary basis. Originally formed in 1900 as the International Commission on Photometry (CIP), since its restructuring as the CIE in 1913, the Commission has become a professional organization  accepted as representing the best authority on the subject matter of light and lighting. The CIE is recognized by the International Commission for Weights and Measures (CIPM), the International Standardization Organization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as an international standardization body.

More information about the CIE, its purpose, its way of working and how to get invlvoed can be found in The CIE Brochure, whish summarizes much of the information on this website.