SAVE THE DATE: CIE Research Webinar on "CIE Research Strategy 2023-2027"

October 10, 2024
Zoom Webinar

Target group: Researchers, Research organizations, Research funders, Funding agencies

We are excited to announce an upcoming webinar led by Dr Jennifer Vetch, President of the CIE, on the "CIE Research Strategy 2023-2027." This event will take place on October 10 at 3 PM CEST via Zoom.

This webinar offers an excellent opportunity to gain insights into the future direction of CIE's research initiatives. Attendees will get an overview of the strategic priorities and key focus areas that will shape the research landscape over the next several years.

Register for the webinar HERE.

We encourage you to forward this invitation to your funding agencies and other interested parties to ensure they don't miss out on this important event.

Please ensure to mark your calendars and don't miss this informative session. Stay tuned for more information, which will be available later this summer.

Looking forward to your participation!