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CIE Technical Collection 1990

CIE 089-1991
Division 2
978 3 900734 26 8

089/1 Results of a CIE Detector Response Intercomparison

A total of fifteen laboratories participated in the CIE detector response intercomparison which was designed to assess the level of agreement among participating laboratories in the absolute measurement (with respect of SI) of photodetector response in the visible spectral region. Most participants were either commercial laboratories or university laboratories with the National Institute of Standards of Technology (NIST) serving as the host laboratory. Each laboratory determined the absolute response of each of two silicon photodiode radiometers which were designed for the intercomparison by NIST, Approximately two thirds of the laboratories reported response values which agreed with the NIST values to within +/- 1,0 % at the two wavelengths of 488 and 633 nm.

089/2 Photobiological Effects of Sunlamps

The different types of sunlamps now in use are reviewed and their spectral irradiances compared. The short and long term risks of the use of such devices are discussed according to the type of radiation, the skin types and the conditions of use. A short review of the existing or proposed regulations or recommendations of Official Committees is presented.

089/3 On the Deterioration of Exhibited Museum Objects by Optical Radiation

The colour change of light sensitive materials caused by irradiation of typical light sources depends on the:

  • level of irradiation (illumination),
  • spectral power distribution of the light source,
  • spectral responsivity (action spectrum) of the material, and
  • duration of the irradiation.

Action spectra s(lambda)dm,rel and threshold effective radiant exposure Hs,dm of 54 samples of museum objects have been developed from irradiation measurements. A standard function of s(lambda)dm,rel and some standard values of Hs,dm are recommended, some consequences and conservational aspects for the lighting of museums are suggested.

089/4 Guide for the Measurement of Underground Mine Lighting

The purpose of this report is to provide guidance for measurement of and reporting on the lighting characteristics of mine lighting installations. By this means it will be possible to compare the performance of alternative lighting systems on a common basis at the design stage of the project, and relate this directly to the measurement made on site under the completed lighting installations. Guidance is given which will allow the user or specifier to select the the procedure most suited to a particular project.

The publication contains 52 pages, 15 figures and 11 tables.

The following members of TC 2-06 took part in the preparation of this technical report:

  • P. Armatis, USA
  • P. Bloembergen, The Netherlands
  • J. Christy, USA
  • B. Chommeloux, France
  • A. Corrons, Spain
  • D. Crommelynck, Belgium
  • G. Czibula, Germany
  • R. Duda, USA
  • K, Futornick, USA
  • F. Hengstberger, South Africa
  • C. Hughes III, USA
  • B. Jean, France
  • J. Krochmann, Germany
  • B. Mercier, France
  • Y. Mishima, Japan
  • J. Moore, Great Britain
  • E. O'Mongain, Ireland
  • Y. Ohno, Japan
  • J. Palmer, USA
  • A. Parr, USA
  • K. Scott, USA
  • T. Schrode, USA
  • D. Sporea, Romania
  • K. Suyama, Japan
  • D. Thomas, USA
  • L. Tong-Bao, China
  • J. de Vreede, The Netherlands
  • E. Zalewski, USA
  • J. Zatkovic, Czechoslovakia