distribution temperature, <of a source in a given wavelength range,
temperature of the Planckian radiator whose relative spectral distribution,
Note 1 to entry: The scaling factor equal to unity at a convenient wavelength which, in photometry and colorimetry is typically 560 nm.
, where
Note 2 to entry: Distribution temperature is a meaningful characteristic for radiators having a relative spectral distribution similar to that of a Planckian radiator, but only if calculated for an expanded wavelength range and for radiation whose spectral distribution of radiant flux is a continuous function of wavelength in that range.
Note 3 to entry: In photometry and colorimetry the wavelength range set by
Note 4 to entry: In practice, the integral is replaced by a summation. For incandescent lamps, equally spaced wavelength intervals of 10 nm will usually suffice. All values in the summation are treated with equal weight.
Note 5 to entry: The distribution temperature is expressed in kelvin (K).
Note 6 to entry: For further information, see CIE 114-1994
Note 7 to entry: This entry was numbered 845-04-14 in IEC 60050-845:1987.
Note 8 to entry: This entry was numbered 17-341 in CIE S 017:2011.